Jenifer Karina Paisano Tocagon, was born in the province of Imbabura, Otavalo, Parish of González Suárez on August 22, 2001, worked in the company located in Tabacundo Pichincha.
She received physical and psychological abuse from the father of her son, Samir Tamba Perachimba, for which reason she decided to separate definitively.
Samir upset by the decision of Jenifer Karina tried to kill her in two attempts and at the same time he tried to commit suicide, on the third attempt he decides to go to the company where the girl worked and attacks her, Karina receives 7 stab wounds.
Immediately she was taken to the Tabacundo hospital due to a lack of implements, they sent her to the Cayambe hospital, in the same way, they did not have the necessary implements for care, she was sent to the city of Quito, halfway there, Karina bled to death.
Karina managed to say the names of her aggressor, immediately the police went to the aggressor's home, the aggressor has so far been detained until a new sentence disposition.
The child Eydan Yareth Tamba Paisano, 1 year and 2 months old, is left orphaned, with his mother deceased and his father in jail. Eydan is in charge of her grandmother, Mrs. Juana Tocagon, mother of Karina Paisano.
At 57 she is responsible for raising the child, "Mama Juanita" as she is affectionately called is dedicated to agriculture with the cultivation of strawberries, the newspaper cancels $ 12.00 that she uses to feed her home.
The house where they currently live have an infrastructure that is not adequate to live in, deteriorated walls, leaky floors, narrow and humid spaces, which are harmful to the child's health.
"Karina's dream was to continue working so that one day we could fix our little house and provide Eydan with a decent place to live, now that dream will no longer be fulfilled…." Mom Juanita mentions through tears.
Elvia Farinango
Missionary group from Country Club Christian Church of Kansas City
A group of brothers and sisters from the Country Club Christian Church of Kansas City. Led by Pastor Tyler Heston, they arrived in November with the mission of completing a dream, a MINGA of the FEDICE family, the house for Juanita, Eydan and their family.
We thank all the people of the FEDICE family in Ecuador and the United States who were part of this MINGA, who generously contributed their donations, their work to make a dream come true, a safe and dignified place for Juanita, Eydan and their family.
Thank you, brothers and sisters, from Kansas City for your decision to come, for your work, for your effort, thank God, because you can come and share with Juanita and her family, for showing us that near or far we are ONE IN CHRIST.