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Province: Cotopaxi

Canton: Pujilí

Parish: Yacubamba

Community: Jatun Juigua Yacubamba

Organization: "New Life"


The Community of Jatun Juigua Yacubamba is located at a distance of 40 km from the city of Latacunga, Cotopaxi Province, at an altitude of 3500 meters above sea level.

The Nueva Vida Organization is made up of 40 women who have been working with FEDICE for 9 years in productive projects.

The women are trained in the technical handling of domestic animals, thus ensuring production. In addition, we meet once a month, to discuss socio-organizational issues, raising different species of animals; leadership, health, nutrition, self-esteem, environmental sanitation, accounting, etc.


The few animals, the genetic quality, the lack of pasture, the inclement weather accompanied by the constant variations in the prices of primary agricultural products, makes agricultural activity a high economic risk activity. An alternative to face this problem is livestock production of meat. The incorporation of beef cattle with high crossbreed guarantees resistance to diseases and a greater volume of meat production.




General objective

Improve the organizational, economic, nutritional and technical standard of living of the families in the Nueva Vida de Yacubamba organization with the production of beef cattle.


Specific objectives

a) Introduce improved animals in family productions.

b) Carry out a training and technology transfer program.

c) Carry out the monitoring and evaluation of the project.

d) Increase the economic fund of the organization.


a) 40 families produce within the normal technical parameters 80 beef cattle (2 per family).

b) 40 beneficiary families trained in livestock, administrative-accounting issues; to guarantee the production and economic management of the project.

c) Monitoring and evaluation are carried out by the FEDICE to the 40 families.

d) 40 families have an important financial fund to guarantee internal loans.


Beef cattle and organic fertilizer.

Offer and demand

The beef cattle will be fattened during the year, and will be sold at local fairs. (Yacubamba and Salcedo) between 800 - 1000 dollars.

Organic fertilizer. Animal manure is sold for $ 3 a quintal (100 pounds). The organic fertilizer will be used on the land of each of the families for the sowing and improvement of crops and pastures. In this way they avoid buying chemical fertilizer.

The production process:

The families have areas of improved pasture and corrals for the management of bovine production, in addition to the bovines they are treated with dewormers (medicine to avoid parasites), vitamins, vaccines and mineral salts. The technological changes essential to improve the production process and optimize the levels of production and productivity of the project will be gradually introduced.



  • Coordinate the activities with the producer families so that the project has a normal fulfillment.

  • Coordinate with FEDICE for the preparation, development, installation, monitoring, training and evaluation of the project.

  • Equally distribute the reimbursable resources to each beneficiary for the installation of the project.

  • Coordinate with the foundation and the members of the group partners for the purchase of animals.

  • Recover the capital every 4 months plus the individual cost of training and monitoring of its members,

  • Continue saving, $ 5 every three months.

  • Make decisions based on a periodic evaluation.

  • Support in the management and administration of the project.

  • Actively participate in the preparation and development of the project.

  • Provide ¼ Ha with grass to guarantee the feeding of cattle.

  • Provide facilities such as pens for the technical breeding of animals.

  • Actively participate in the different trainings that FEDICE will give, each month.

  • Provide transportation for the purchase of animals.

  • Labor for the sowing of pastures and for the care of the animals.

  • Purchase of animals at fairs, production centers or in nearby communities.

  • Present production and reproduction reports.

  • Fully pay the reimbursable fund to the board.



• Provide a reimbursable fund of $ 40,000.00 for the purchase of animals.

• Preparation, installation, monitoring and evaluation of the project.

• Training on different topics.

• Presentation of reports, reports, photographs

• Joint evaluation.



With the development of this project, the following impacts will be obtained:

 At the social level: Families guarantee the educational process of their children due to the increase of resources.


With the installation of this project, it will not negatively affect the environment since its animal waste and food waste will be used as organic fertilizer that will serve to fertilize the plots of each of the families, to improve their crops without the use of chemicals fertilizers and therefore have a diet with healthy products, improving the health of all families.


The monitoring of the activities will be carried out through: home visits to see the productions, meetings to analyze difficulties and solve existing problems, recommendations and planning of activities. The families involved in the project will participate.

The activities carried out will be compiled through reports, records and photographs that will be used for the analysis in the evaluation.



The progress of the project will be evaluated based on the objectives set, in the plan of activities, budgets, goals and impacts. It will be carried out through visits, interviews with the beneficiaries, meetings, among others. All families involved in the project will participate in this process.


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