Ecumenical Foundation for Integral Development, Training - Education, FEDICE is a non-profit and non-governmental organization. Its headquarters are located in Quito, Ecuador.
FEDICE was created in 1994 by Víctor Vaca (Ecuador) and Violet Groth Vaca (United States). The dream of Violeta and Víctor was to create an organization that works with the families of rural communities through productive projects that are managed especially by women, who have been historically relegated and have not had access to education and training.
Currently FEDICE works with 23 groups of women from communities located in the provinces of: Cotopaxi, Imbabura, Carchi and Esmeraldas. With training as a transversal axis, FEDICE works with groups of women whose main objective is the improvement of the living conditions of their families and their communities.
The activities of FEDICE are framed within four main areas: productive agricultural and livestock projects; microfinance; fair trade, construction work with missionary groups and volunteers.
FAITH without works is dead, says in James 2:17, so in FEDICE we work with the people of the communities putting our FAITH into practice, working with joy and hope with the women, men, boys and girls of the communities.
Sustainable Agriculture
Since 1994, FEDICE has supported nearly 5,000 families in developing stable income sources via agricultural projects and access to credit for micro-enterprise at fair rates. We teach sustainable farming practices — from an economic, environmental and social standpoint — and offer relevant trainings with our technical staff specific to achieving each project's goals.
... the person who sows bountifully will also reap abundantly. 2 Corinthians 9: 6
FEDICE promotes the elaboration and consumption of products that satisfy the needs of families in a dignified manner.
Our objectives are:
1) To ensure that families optimize the use of the resources available in the communities, and
2) To generate economic savings through a process of substitution of commercial goods for goods that can be prepared by themselves.
God wants that all scale to be accurate and business agreements to be clean Proverbs 16:11
FEDICE connects people and communities in North America with people and communities in Ecuador. We strongly believe we are one in the spirit of God — whether we live in Dallas, Texas or Pusir, Ecuador; whether we are a farmer, a teacher or a lawyer; and whether we speak English, Quichua or Spanish. Experience the joy found in working “juntos” as God’s people by bringing a group to Ecuador. Contact Blanca Puma Martínez at blancapuma@hotmail.com to inquire for details and open dates in 2024.
... Work for God with great enthusiasm. Romans 12: 11TLA
Fedice teaches communities that the well-being of families depends on working together.
This is how Fedice and communities come together to: build new homes for families with scarce economic resources; repairing centers for children; churches and community centers.
We work through a dynamic integration of 50/50. The community is committed to contribute with labor, food and execution of the goal, and FEDICE contributes with economic support and follow-up through valuable donations made by people from the US who love our country and love people who need to improve their quality of life.
Luke 14:28
When any of you wants to build a high house, you sit down first and see how much it will cost. You want to see if you have enough money to finish it.(NVI)
FEDICE welcomes short and long-term volunteers to experience Ecuador’s rich heritage and culture, in addition to supporting our work forging social justice, unity and peace through community holistic development in the communities.
Volunteer opportunities are designed based on the skills, talents and available time for commitment of an interested party.
Interested in learning more? Contact Blanca Puma Martínez at blancapuma@hotmail.com.
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15