Isaiah 6:8(NET)
I heard the voice of the Lord say, “Whom will I send? Who will go on our behalf? I answered, “Here I am, send me!”
FEDICE welcomes short and long-term volunteers from partners* around the world to experience Ecuador’s rich heritage and culture, in addition to supporting our work forging social justice, unity and peace through holistic development.
Volunteer opportunities are designed based on the skills, talents and available time for commitment of an interested party. Volunteers have come for as little as two weeks and up to four years!
Interested in learning more? Contact Blanca Puma Martínez at blancapuma@hotmail.com.
* FEDICE has a long-standing partnership with Global Ministries, the missions branch for the Disciples of Christ/United Church of Christ. Though it is by no means obligatory to go through the Disciples of Christ/United Church of Christ in order to volunteer, please let us know if you are interested in serving through this avenue so we can facilitate the process. Learn more about Global Ministries at globalministries.org.