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FEDICE's mission is to work with vulnerable Ecuadorian families to eradicate poverty. Our mission includes the following points:   

  • Offer economic opportunities to indigenous and marginalized communities living in Ecuador. 

  • Empower members of partner communities — especially women — with more knowledge as well as work and life skills through comprehensive development. 

  • Encourage and support the development of local community leaders. 

  • Reinforce the community organization and encourage community solidarity by applying the concept of "MINGA" (Working together, many hands working for the same goal, a unified effort that benefits a community) with the programs and projects. 

  • Support the pillars of trust, responsibility, and partnership in every aspect of our work. 





To realize social justice and peace, build sustainable livelihoods, encourage self-sufficiency, and significantly enhance quality of life for indigenous and marginalized rural communities in Ecuador, while upholding the dignity and unique attributes of local cultures. We do this as an act of faith in the living gospel of Jesus Christ. 


"In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."  

                                                                                                     - James 2:17 (NIV)





FEDICE follows a strategic planning process, tested over the course of more than 28 years, to shape projects that effectively empower and uplift indigenous and marginalized communities in Ecuador via economic and social development tools. 

1 // Connecting With A Community


The first step in forming a partnership with a community is making contact. Leaders from interested communities or associations typically send a letter to FEDICE expressing their interest in working with us, providing references and requesting a meeting. During the first meeting, the scope of the project and overarching goals are discussed, and our process and policies are explained. If both parties feel the project is a good fit, and the community commits to our policies and process, we move into the next phase of planning. 


2 // Situational Analysis

In this step, we obtain critical data for planning purposes and ensuring the success of a project. We look at the local climate, the number of inhabitants in a community, typical family size, access to basic services, principal industries and labor market conditions in the area, current occupations and skills, in addition to other socio-economic indicators. At this stage in new partnerships, we also assist in setting up an association and choosing provisional leadership in the form of a board of directors typically comprised of a president, treasurer, and secretary. These members serve as points of contact with FEDICE and coordinate meetings, trainings, etc.


3 // Project Design

Planning is a fully inclusive and collaborative process between FEDICE and partner communities. We base our planning on four fundamental principles:


  • RelevanceWe plan projects to fit the needs of a community, while acknowledging and addressing the current socio-economic conditions, prevailing cultural norms and life experiences of participants. 

  • Efficacy: We work to fully leverage the human, material, and economic resources available in a community, with the goal of achieving the strongest results for the least cost. 

  • SustainabilityOur goal is to empower partner communities with tools, resources, confidence and knowledge, so that in the long run they develop a high level of self-sufficiency. 

  • Lasting ImpactWe aim to drive the kind of systemic economic and social changes that establish a cycle of development and lay the foundation for a more just and equitable future.  


4 // Execution (Reimbursable Funds Projects)

Dispersal of Funds & Contract Signing: The community organization signs an agreement and receives the reimbursable funds at a festive event. 

These community credits are used for purchasing animals, seeds, vital materials or merchandise according to the project design. If the project requires more than $8,000 in reimbursable funds, FEDICE solicits a guarantee of equal value to the project quote from the community (typically the title for property owned by leaders of the association or a beneficiary). FEDICE, in addition to co-financing projects and providing technical expertise, promotes a culture of savings at individual and communal levels as a critical aspect of self-sufficiency and long-term prosperity.  

 The savings allow that, after several years, the community can constitute a working capital for the group so, each member can access a higher individual fund each year and in the future each community is independent and manages to work with its own funds. 

ObligationsBoth parties agree to the following expectations for contributions to the success of a project. 


FEDICE’s Obligations

- Financiar aproximadamente 60% del proyecto en fondos reembolsables 

- Proveer capacitación, experiencia, y sostén para las comunidades en asociación a lo largo del proyecto 

- Cubrir un porcentaje del costo para asistencia técnica y capacitación 


Community Obligations

- Use reimbursable funds responsibly for direct costs of the project.

- Form an association for acquisitions and organizational purposes

- Contribute a percentage of cash and in-kind services/materials (agreed upon prior to kick-off) to ensure success of the project.

- Collect funds for repayment periodically among participating families

- Contribute each month to their community fund

- Responsibly manage animals, crops or materials for their particular enterprise

- Attend training sessions and meetings regularly throughout the span of the project


  • Execution of the ProjectThe activities of a project begin with the purchase of animals, seeds, vital materials or merchandise. At this stage, initial challenges — typically prices and/or quality of animals, seeds or materials — are analyzed and resolved. At this stage, we also commence training sessions on socio-economic, organizational, agricultural, health or sustainability topics. The slate of topics is chosen via collaboration between FEDICE (based on our analysis and specialist recommendations) and a partner community (according to their sense of relevancy and need). 

  • Follow-UpWe meet monthly with communities to assess progress, give trainings and problem solve. This includes both individual home visits and group meetings to discuss difficulties and brainstorm solutions. 


5 // Evaluation

We begin the final stage with the recovery of the original reimbursable funds to the communities. After this, we evaluate success based on several factors: Did the group repay the funds? Did they meet their stated goals? Did they attend the trainings? And did they follow through on their commitments to the Project? If the answers are yes, then we generally continue to work with this community, in most cases increasing the value of the reimbursable fund on projects until they reach a level of development where they no longer need our assistance. If the answers are no, then we consider whether the issues and challenges are correctable, or whether we need to finalize the work with the community. 

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