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1 Corinthians 12:12 (ISV)

For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, form a single body, so it is with the Messiah.

FEDICE develops its activities in the manner of Christ, with many members, but with a single goal, the common welfare of those most in need. We have a great team with experience, committed and working closely with our communities, volunteers who give and gave their time to share their knowledge and share experiences in our country. We also have an executive committee, people who contribute with volunteer work that allows us to carry out activities with people from the communities with which FEDICE works. 

Blanca Puma Martínez
Executive Director

Blanca, born in Quito, has more than 18 years of experience working with the brothers and sisters of the communities with which FEDICE works, first as Project Coordinator and since 2006 as executive director. As a fearless leader of FEDICE's staff and volunteers, Blanca coordinates community relations, donors, communications, program development, volunteer activities, and staff management—applying a healthy dose of creativity and determination to every task she takes on. Blanca has a degree in Medical Technologist & Environmental Sanitation from the Central University of Ecuador.

“Thank God for the opportunity and the blessing of working at FEDICE with the people from the communities”

Marco Garzón Villafuerte
Technical Specialist - Agriculture

Marco Garzón, a Zootechnical Engineer with his degree from the National Polytechnic University of Chimborazo, has worked at FEDICE since 2000 as the person in charge of projects in the Cotopaxi Area. 

Marco teaches families not to stretch out their hands to ask for gifts but to work with reimbursable funds in productive projects for the genetic improvement of animals and providing the best tool, knowledge, for the technical management of the breeding of the different animal species, encouraging the families to put into practice in their productions, in this way the organizations are strengthened organizationally, economically and productively. 

The greatest satisfaction is that families take care of their productions, their money and the most beautiful thing is that they "Learn by Doing". 

Grace Zurita Villacis

Grace is the administrator and accountant of the FEDICE office. Her task includes managing the economic resources of the foundation. Grace started working at FEDICE since 2007 and is a Certified Accountant.

She has a degree as a Financial Engineer from the Central University of Ecuador. Since January 2018 her contract was changed for part-time service provision due to the economic situation of the Foundation.

Hugo Pacheco Maygua
Project Coordinator

Hugo manages a wide array of projects for FEDICE — ranging from raising chickens to growing onions and construction — with great dedication to the continual improvement of FEDICE's work and the success of projects for partner communities. An economist by profession, Hugo helps keep projects on budget and provides training for participants in economics and accounting, in addition to social and cultural topics. He is a native Quiteño and holds a degree in Economics from the Central University of Ecuador.

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone."

Ronald Reagan


Luis Jara Roman

Luis was born in Cuenca, Ecuador, but spent around 25 years in the United States. He speaks fluent English and Spanish of course. He regularly contributes at FEDICE by translations and hosting missionary groups, with logistics activities and assists on communications projects. Luis graduated from New York University in the United States in Computer Science and Civil Engineering. There are different ways to participate in this great MINGA with the FEDICE family and Luis does it through his time and support for Blanca in her activities with the people from the communities.


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From left: Lcdo. Luis Chicaiza substitute member, Sra. Rosa Fonte- second member, Ps.Carmen Castañeda president, Ing. Cosme Yepez – Secretary, Lic. Digna Chacha vice president, Encarnación Chicaiza – substitute member, Sebastián Caiza first member.





Numbers 6:24-26
‘“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’(NIV)


Last 2023, Saturday, March 18, the FEDICE assembly elected the new FEDICE committee for the period April 2023-April 2025. 

Pastor Carmen Castañeda was re-elected for another term for her successful management and work in the activities of the FEDICE family. Digna Chacha, from the province of Cotopaxi, is the new vice president. The engineer Cosme Yépez from the city of Ibarra will continue to be the secretary. 

Mr. Sebastián Caiza, from the Tocagón community in Otavalo, is the first member and finally Mrs. Rosa Fonte from the Pijal community is the second member. Mrs. Encarnación Chicaiza and Mr. Luis Chicaiza, from the Pijal community are the substitute members and who will be supporting the activities of the new committee. 

As always and in everything, we place the lives, activities, and goals of the new FEDICE committee in God's hands. God accompanies their management to continue in the activities of the FEDICE family with FAITH, JOY, and HOPE. 

Look  the Ex - members
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